Attitude is everything. Mental attitude, whatever the end goal is, either assists you to get there or impedes your progress and another of the most damaging attitudes you can now adopt is victim-mentality.
What is victim-mentality?
Victim mentality is really a negative mindset. It places blame on other individuals and circumstances for virtually any unhappiness felt within.” It is the proverbial “point the finger out” scenario.
Those engaged in victim-mentality, view life via a narrow lens of pessimistic perceptions, believing whatever occur in life is the effect of outside causes. Inner reflection has never been considered. Being a victim means absolving themselves of blame. Nothing is their fault – ever! Those engaged in victim mentality quite often enjoy the attention, sympathy and validation they get from playing this “poor me” role.
When held in victim-hood, the attention becomes how vulnerable were, as an alternative to on how powerful we’re.
While, we’re not born with victim mentality, we’re not exempt from playing the victim role either. Sweet elder grandparents, loving, well-intentioned mum and dad, teenagers and also those considered “spiritually awakened” can all be found to dwell with this defeatist realm.
In fact, each individual alive has acted victim role a few times in their lives.
Victims wish to be mentally prepared for the worst yet sadly, for people dwelling in victim-hood, this self-sabotaging behavior gets to be more powerful when things appear to be going their way as is also sure “disaster holds back around the next corner.”
So, how do you break free using this self-defeating, “poor me,” pessimistic type programming, many of which was developed and adopted as a kid?
It all begins aware of your perceptions/how your view yourself. Do you perceive yourself as being a survivor or even a victim?
Survivors embrace life and flow by it. They have a home in the present and seize control over their lives. They are fully aware which they alone are responsible for what occurs. They understand that taking responsibility for his or her lives, they're empowered to improve their lives.
Victims, however, wallow in self-pity and argue with and break the rules at life. They dwell during the past, believing they can be helpless to alter circumstances – their critical for avoiding responsibility. They live defensively and remain frozen with time, without making progress since their perceptions tell them these are powerless.
The valuation on victim mentality is high. It negatively affects all areas of life – professional and personal. Those who see themselves as being a failure, are dwelling in victim-hood because failure only involves those who throw in the towel.
If we want to shift away from victim mentality, we should first are. We can’t change whatever we don’t own. We must shift our attitude and be aware that “change commences with me.” We must embrace survival and take actions steps… regardless of how small or insignificant they will often seem now, towards some goal were looking to attain.
Most importantly, we’ve got to continually empower ourselves with “I can” and “I will” statements and hang a stop to degrading “I can’t” or “I won’t” statements and beliefs.
And, we need to embrace gratitude – the maximum of attitudes. Daily, we must take time to decide on all the things that produce us happy, on all the stuff that are going well within our life. Keeping our mind/energy devoted to positive situations enables you to counteract victim mentality.
In the tip, we should honor ourselves sticking with the same degree of respect and love that individuals try to give others. Only then will our minds and actions shift from victim-hood to survival mode.
Truth is, we not able to control other’s actions or every circumstance that appears in our lives, but you can control the way we react to them. We don’t need to be victims. It is usually a choice. Whatever happens or comes our way, we have to view it like a challenge rather than an excuse.
Looking for any powerful partner to assist erase the negative victim tapes that play repeatedly in your head? Look no further than your neighborhood gym. Getting your blood flowing plus your “happy, feel-good” hormones kicked in through challenging exercises are one of the best strategies to overcome negativity, defeat victim mentality and hang up yourself on the short track to feeling healthy physically, mentally and emotionally.